Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Knucklehead Thieves

Went for a bike ride last week. Nothing unusual, I do it all the time. But when I got back to my pickup it had been broken into. Passenger window shattered into countless pieces. Glass on the ground and all over the interior of my truck. Yikes.
I really don’t understand the mentality of stealing. Sure, we’ve all done it whether it’s grabbing a piece of candy from the bin at the grocery store or taking home some staples from the office. Not that doing it is OK. But what I don’t understand is the theft of personal property. My simplistic approach is that if you like something I have, get a job, save some money and go buy one for yourself. But alas, some people find it easier to just steal.
What’s ironic in my case is what was taken. Keep in mind that my Chevy pickup is a work truck. Nothing fancy. One factory hubcap is missing and probably will never be replaced. Didn’t even have power windows until I bought a kit and converted them myself a couple of years ago. So what, you may ask is worth breaking into and taking? Well, the factory radio had been replaced with one worth a couple of bucks. But they only had time to take the faceplate, leaving the bulk of the radio in the dash. Both pieces worthless without the other.
They scored pretty big with my cycling gear. Had a satchel behind the seat with my winter riding clothes; arm warmers, gloves, skull cap and wind/rain repellant jacket. Visible on the front seat was another satchel with more riding gear. Extra pair of riding glasses, spare lenses for the pair I had on and some energy bars. Hope they choke on them.
Most people think I felt violated. Not really, but I’m sure if my truck could speak… What those knuckleheads did was to get into my brain. To shake my level of security, comfort and safety. Is it OK to park at my favorite spot now? Should I take only the bare minimum wherever I go in my truck? Emptying the contents and leaving nothing visible to any would be thieves? When I went for another ride with a group two days later we parked in the same place. But it was later in the morning and there were already other vehicles present. Unlike the fateful morning when it was 530 in the morning and mine was the only vehicle there. That was my rationalization anyway.
The ride had a very heavy feel to it. Not my legs but my head. Couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d get back and find that the replacement window shattered. Should I have left the faceplate for the new radio in the tool box? But then they might think that the old radio was still in place and steal it to complete the set. But leaving the new faceplate/radio for all to see could be tempting as well. It was, needless to say quite a nerve racking ride. But when we got back, all was well. Pizza was on me that day.
Tried to ride again on Monday after a weird weekend of second guessing and bank account dealings(but that’s another story)but saw some suspicious characters and went home. It’s just a mental block. I’ve found a new parking spot and went for a ride yesterday. Screw ‘em. They ain’t gonna ruin it for me. Besides, I’m a firm believer in Karma.


  1. I'm so sorry that happened to you and your truck, Jose.

  2. Jose,
    I'm sorry also that it happened. It sounds like you are recovering just fine!
