There’s lots of stuff going on around the world. Almost too much. Well, in terms of trying to keep up, that is. But do we really care?
The Middle East with all its revolutions has a staggering amount of information coming out on an almost hourly basis. Who can keep up with this stuff? Do we really need to? I’m your typical American when it comes to these things. Shamefully and yet blissfully ignorant of worldwide events. I fall into the “how does that affect me personally” category. The kind that doesn’t know one Middle Eastern leader from another. Or cares. But ask me about the latest with Charlie Sheen, and oh boy, better grab a beer and have a seat.
How about the latest on the death of Bin Laden? Although it was gratifying, I’m proud to say I didn’t hoot and holler or throw a party over that(I consider all human life sacred). What’s the latest regarding the tsunami in Japan? Well, better give me a few minutes to Google that. But I can tell you the absolute latest about TV’s Modern Family comedy series. Probably just as you can tell me who’s been kicked off American Idol and/or Dancing With the Stars. But can you tell me, just who is the Prime Minister of England? Or how about your state representative? Join the club.
We are egocentric when it comes to news. It’s all about us. I don’t know what actually causes higher gas prices. Well, other than greed, but I’m sure glad I own some oil company stock. But I’m too lazy to do anything effective about gas prices. But, ask me to sign a Face Book petition and I’m there. Boycott buying gas for a day, you got it. Of course, forget the fact that I’m still waiting for the oil companies to come crawling to us in the form of lower prices for the last time I didn’t buy gas on a particular day. Well, maybe the fact that I filled up the gas tank the day before might have something to do with it. You think? Hey, a guy only do so much and still not get too involved. I’ll leave it in the capable hands of my neighbors and unknown elected representatives at all levels of government, from city to county to state and up to the feds. Ain’t it grand?
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