Thursday, July 8, 2010

Da King Has Spoken

Well, Lebron James has decided where to play basketball. Would’ve watched his self serving hour long program, but had decisions of my own to make. Much more important decisions that actually affect me. Like what to watch on TV. So I really don’t know what his highness decided. Or care.
It’s difficult for me to relate to any professional athlete and their problems of just where to go to make their millions. Most will make more money in one year through contracts and endorsements than everyone that is reading this in our entire lives put together. Hell, I’ve been cutting corners for the last ten months just so I could drive all the way to Iowa to ride my bike.
Am I resentful or even maybe just a little jealous? Damn right. It’s why I haven’t attended a Major League Baseball game in years. Not since that strike years ago. I mean, millionaires striking for more money and benefits? Really? Sure wish I had those problems. So you’ll forgive me if I pass on all this “King James” hoopla. Whatever team he deems worthy deserves him.
But this crap only happens because we as a society not only support, but encourage this behavior. The ratings for King James will probably be astronomical. We love our sports heroes. They can do whatever they want anytime they want. That includes breaking the law. Even getting away with murder. Just ask OJ. But only if they’re winners. A championship ring on a finger brings immunity. But if you’re on a last place team, don’t even think about littering. You’ll be treated just like the rest of us commoners.
But somehow this short uncoordinated somewhat overweight Mexican is supposed to be all agog over where LeBron and all those other knuckleheads will be playing next year. Hey, talk to me when he’s actually on an NBA championship team. Which as far as I’m concerned will be never.
Well, gotta go. Another decision to be made. Grilled cheese sandwich or leftovers for dinner. Hey, if you want, I can record it and put it on YouTube. Might be just as entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Who is this person?
    Why does he deserve a million dollars?
    Barbara. (not a fan)
